¿Por qué alquilar arte? Es sofisticado: el arte contemporáneo proyecta una imagen corporativa dinámica y sofisticada. Disponemos de un amplio catálogo de cuadros, esculturas, fotografías y grabados, y contamos con más de 450 artistas. Además, las obras de arte crean un ambiente estimulante para los empleados. Es rentable: puede disfrutar de una obra de arte original de un artista de renombre y es un gasto deducible fiscalmente para las empresas. Es flexible: el contrato de arrendamiento permite cambios y adquisiciones, y es cómodo: FLECHA se encarga desde el estudio de proyección hasta la instalación.


Añada al alquiler de obra de arte nuestro servicio integral y gratuito de Asesoramiento: selección de obra, producción e instalación. Periodo de prueba de 15 días.


A través de nuestro servicio de asesoramiento gratuito le ayudaremos a elegir, diseñar y producir el regalo perfecto para sus empleados o clientes. Más de 450 artistas y un amplísimo catálogo de obras con precios muy competitivos. Su producto, su sede, logo, claim, etc. convertidos en obra de arte.

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llámenos 91 603 36 26

91 603 36 26

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Palma de Mallorca - Islas Baleares, ES


Born in South Africa. Residing in Majorca since 1998. Full time artist in the medium of pastel, gouache and oil. Abstract work with architectural themes - small and large format works. The NATURE of my work: the inspiration of my abstract works mostly arises from detail visual observations in my daily life, in my neighbourhood, or during travels around the globe and my native South Africa - but can also arise from inner monologues on social dilemmas – not seeking to be complex. My work is for anyone who loves to see how COLOUR, DAILY LIFE and BEAUTY can bring my views of reality into one strong visual message. The compositions are completely intuitive and evolve from the act of doing, and not too much planning. That is not to say I have no thought about what I am creating, but more a trusting place of being ready to plunge into the work without fear. This method isn’t always pleasant, and many hours of hard work sometimes get painted over. However, there is solace in knowing the work underneath is still vital to the finished piece presented. Mostly the “hidden” layers are revealed through scrubbing or partial exposure by not being covered at all with renewed layers in other parts of the same work. This concept is also easily related to so much of our lives: what we don’t see or notice still matters. We all have layers that aren’t visible and I find discovering the depth of these layers the most interesting in people and my work. WHAT do I want to SAY with my art: • Celebrate nature at all times: Find the beauty in every circumstance and celebrate it • Celebrate the human – the marks people make on the world • Be respectful of the local, and particularly of the small-scale • Be willing to show the eccentric and also the ordinary: whatever is driven by caring My goal is to inspire those who see my work to look more carefully at the world around them, and to help them discover beauty in unusual and unexpected places.
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Trabajos de STEYN