Contemporary art projects a dynamic and sophisticated corporate image. We have a wide catalog of paintings, sculptures, photographs and engravings, and we have more than 450 artists. In addition, works of art create a stimulating environment for employees. It's profitable: You can enjoy an original work of art by a renowned artist and it is a tax deductible expense for companies. It's flexible: The lease allows changes and acquisitions, and is comfortable: FLECHA is in charge from the projection studio to the installation.


Add to the rental of artwork our comprehensive and free advice service: selection of work, production and installation. 15 day trial period.


Through our free advice service we will help you choose, design and produce the perfect gift for your employees or clients. More than 450 artists and a vast catalog of works with very competitive prices. Your product, your headquarters, logo, claim, etc. converted into a work of art.


call us 91 603 36 26

91 603 36 26

Thank you for contacting us, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Pedro Higueras
Madrid, ES


Nacido en 1960 en Palencia, médico dedicado al desarrollo de proyectos hospitalarios alrededor del mundo. Pintor autodidacta enfocado a una acuarela que busca la estética desde la visión del paseante que disfruta, de forma sencilla, de las sensaciones de una vista, sin más artificio. Son acuarelas precisas pero sin llegar al hiperrealismo, con carga de color, trabajadas a partir de fotografías del autor y por tanto respetando en ocasiones la imagen producida a través de la cámara. Pedro Higueras ha expuesto en diversas ocasiones siendo las últimas en las ferias de Arte Contemporáneo de San Sebastián (Kursaal) y Edimburgo Born in 1960 in Palencia, doctor dedicated to the development of hospital projects around the world. Self-taught painter focused on a watercolor seeking aesthetic vision from the walker who enjoys, simply, the sensations of sight, without artifice. Watercolors are accurate but not to the hyperrealism, with color charge, worked from his own photographs and therefore sometimes respecting the image produced by the camera . Pedro Higueras has exhibited several times being the lastest in the fairs of Contemporary Art of San Sebastian (Kursaal) and Edinburgh
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Pedro Higueras